Texas Maritime Academy

Address: 1001 Texas Clipper Road, Galveston, Texas, United States

Since 1965, the Texas Maritime Academy has been training deck and engineering officers for the merchant marine, the Strategic Sealift and the U.S. Navy. Located in Galveston, the Academy is a division of Texas A&M University. The Academy awards Bachelor of Science Degrees in a wide variety of marine and maritime fields of endeavor. The Academy offers numerous certification and refresher courses as well. Upon graduation, students take their respective U. S. Coast Guard licensing examinations. When not in the classroom, “Sea Aggies” train extensively aboard the ocean-going Texas Clipper, the Academy’s 605-foot long training ship.

During exam week, underclassmen “rub the anchor” in front of the library for good luck. Only seniors have the privilege of walking under the arc created by the anchor’s chain.

The 400 members of student body are part of the University’s Corps of Cadets. Although this is a military style organization, there is no requirement to enter the military after graduation. That option is available if students so choose. The average annual tuition is approximately $7,500 plus additional fees.

Other Military Schools Grades Students Faculty
University of Delaware Army ROTC College 2,000 600
Fishburne Military School 7-12 180 25
U.S. Air Force ROTC College 500 100
West Hill High School JROTC 9-12 2,281 154
Forestville Military Academy 9–12 N/A N/A