Georgia Military College

Address: 201 E. Greene St., Milledgeville, Georgia US, United States

Georgia Military College, also known by its acronym: GMC, is a middle school, high school, and military junior college in Milledgeville, Georgia. GMC is one of only five such military junior colleges in the United States which allow cadets to become officers in the military in two rather than four years.

Founded in 1879 by an act of the Georgia General Assembly, the Georgia Military College’s campus is about 25 acres in an urban setting.

The athletic mascot for the school is the Bulldogs and their colors are Red and Black. The current president is Major General Peter J. Boyland.

About 5,000 students attend the College.

Other Military Schools Grades Students Faculty
University of Southern Mississippi AROTC College 18,000 800
C.E. Byrd High School JROTC 9-12 2,200 200
Illinois State University ROTC College 20,000 3,000
University of Nebraska Lincoln NROTC College 25,000 1,500
Christian Brothers Academy 6-12 440 47