Forestville Military Academy

Address: 7001 Beltz Dr, Forestville, Maryland, United States

Forestville Military Academy, also known as FMA, is a miltiary high school in Maryland.

Grades 9 through 12 are offered at FMA and the school mascot is the Might Knights. The current principal is Nathaniel Laney.

It was only 2002 when the first military academy class was admitted to Forestville which makes it one of the newer military campuses in the United States.

The school’s JROTC program is mandatory for all students. Students begin with the rank of cadet and increases in rank are through minimum GPAs.

Other Military Schools Grades Students Faculty
University of Mississippi College 20,000 6,000
Universtiy of Northern Iowa AROTC College 12,000 800
Hermon High School JROTC 9-12 500 50
University of Scranton ROTC College 4,000 300
Loyola College AROTC College 1,000 100