Bataan Military Academy

Address: 8001 Mountain Road Place NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Bataan Military Academy (BMA) is a tuition-free coeducation public college prep school, a very rare thing in the United States. All cadets are also members of the Navy’s youth organization: the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Usually, at private military academies students are formed into a Corps of Cadets.

BMA is named after the soldiers and sailors who surrendered to Japanese forces during WW2 at Luzon. 70,000 soldiers died during what is known as the Bataan Death March.

Grades 9-12 are offered and about 140 cadets are enrolled at Bataan. The average class size is 18 cadets. The school colors are Blue and Gold.

Students are selected by a lottery and interview process.

Other Military Schools Grades Students Faculty
Hermon High School JROTC 9-12 500 50
Thunderbird High School NJROTC 9-12 2,000 80
Bethel Boys Academy High School N/A N/A
Riverside Military Academy 7-12 400 N/A
Central Michigan University College 7,000 900